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Sun-up RC:Delivered presentation at Clean Air Solutions Network Meeting

Our CEO Siamnat PANASSORN delivered a speech and presentation in the Clean Air Solutions Network Meeting, which was held by Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand, on 11 May 2022. The meeting was attended by 95 prestigious participants such as the Pollution Control Department, Department of Health, and SAIC Motor-CP Co., Ltd., the electric vehicle manufacturer, and academic sectors.  
The meeting shared the same vision of making Thailand a better place. It opened the discussion on the research and solutions to tackle the air pollution problems such as PM2.5, VOCs, etc. in Thailand. In this event, we, Sun-up Recycling, shared practical solutions to reduce VOCs through recycling wasted solvent and received tremendous awareness of participants. We are highly committed to cooperate with all stakeholders to magnify the impact and contribute more to the environment and society. 

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