> Sun-up TH : Delivered presentation at Water Forum Thailand 2019
Sun-up TH : Delivered presentation at Water Forum Thailand 2019

Sugiyama, Director of Sun-up Corporation, delivered speech at 3rd Water Forum “Smart Water Management for ASEAN Smart Cities”, one of programs of 2019 Thai Water, which was the biggest event regarding wasted water treatment in ASEAN and organized by Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University .
Sugiyama explained current situation of industrial wasted water and liquid treatment in Thailand, and also introduced cutting-edge distillation technology of our partners, Rock Engineering Co., Ltd. and Kobex Co., Ltd. as specific solution. Renowned experts from Japan, Germany, Thailand and Vietnam joined this event as well, and we discussed various circumstances in ASEAN and innovative technology.
We’ll adopt various idea of treatment of industrial wasted water and liquid in order to contribute to further reduction of environmental impact and cost for our customers.
Sugiyama and Prof. Chavalit Ratanatamskul, Director of Research Unit on Innovative Waste Treatment and Water Reuse, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.